Hello! My name is Jay Arrgh, and I am editor of the Toledo-based zine, EIIGY POCR OFF. I welcome you to our website. We know that our print circulation is limited, so we built this page as a way to reach all of you who are outside the circle. We are a socio-politically oriented publication and we want to spread our message. So sit back and enjoy.
EIIGY POCR OFF #10 is now at Boogie Records. A special second edition of EPO #10, copied for free at the University of Toledo, is due for release soon. As always, EIIGY POCR OFF is free, so you get a great read for absolutely nothing! Don't forget, you can get back issues of E.P.O. from us. Click here for more info.
The 1997 A-Zone/EPO Festival of the Freaks is ancient history.
Ever have a change of heart? Check out mine concerning WXUT...
EIIGY POCR OFF is a minor player in the local scene. If you are in a band and will be playing a show, or perhaps you are staging some kind of social gathering, and you want that event publicized, click here for info.
Take a look at the Northwest Ohio Youth Greens Homepage!
If you would like to learn more about EIIGY POCR OFF, click here
EIIGY POCR OFF #6 What more do I need to say?
EIIGY POCR OFF #5 You need to see it!
"A small zine with no pictures or graphics, this is mainly essays (about 9 of them) about the Toledo punk scene, the local college radio station, how to get free internet stuff, commercials, human nature, and some other...uh...stuff. None of this really grabbed me, nothing too radical here, though I must admit that the first time I read Thaddeus Maximus' column on human nature, it made complete sense and I said 'Right on!'" -Travis T, MRR zine reviewer.
EIIGY POCR OFF #3 needs no introduction. Check it out!
EIIGY POCR OFF #2 is available in cyberspace! Take a peek!
EIIGY POCR OFF #1 is still online! It's a classic!
Nine Inch Wojciak The old musical project by Jay Arrgh and co.
Click here to go to my links page.
This site is constantly under construction for your entertainment and knowledge.