These articles appeared in this issue:
Let's start off like this: I've been trashing America for a long time now in private conversation. However, until now, I've never had the proper forum for spreading my opinions further. So, like any innovative soul, I created the forum I needed. EIIGY POCR OFF is solely dedicated to complaining about or giving praise to whatever I see fit. Okay, that's not quite true. This 'zine is not completely my work. In fact, Thaddeus probably works harder on this fine publication than I do. But this here column that you are presently reading is mine and mine alone. No singular entity has the authority to censor it, edit it, or otherwise mutilate it. This fact brings up a very important topic, your First Amendment rights to freedom of speech, press, and expression. The only part of America that I have no quarrel with.
One of the main debates Thaddeus and I had before this 'zine went to press was where to distribute it. It is a fact that in some places this publication would be banned for its anti-social position. To this, we said, "F--- it." (Don't ask me why I hypocritically censored myself.) If people want to take issue with our publication, they can take issue with our basic human rights. They will find no slanderous material enclosed herein, the only basis for infringing our freedoms. We will not back down against any challenge, and in fact welcome those who find us to be "immoral" or "un-American".
So, in conclusion, stand up for your freedoms. Don't take any shit from anybody. Feel free to express your opinions openly. If anyone takes issue with you, recite the First Amendment to their face. "No law shall be made abridging the right to freedom of speech or the press, motherfucker!"
Points of Light:
Do you consider yourself a radical, a philosopher, or punk, someone who is open minded? Are you in control of your own life or are you just along for the ride? Are you steadfast in your beliefs and ready to fight against capitalism and all of America's corruption? I hope you are.
I'm tired of everything. People continue to walk around asleep, completely unaware of the system ruling their lives. In my own school, I see this. These are the people who consider themselves to be the radicals, the punks. They're in for the fashion statement which the media has told them is "in". They have little or no idea of the way their lives are manipulated every day.
Turn on the television and absorb the images of greed and stupidity. Everyone watches that stupid box (don't they), not even realizing that those insulated cable wires they cherish so much are conditioning them to be a part of a disgraceful society. They'll teach you all the bullshit. You'll learn how to really find happiness. You'll see the "news", which is hardly news at all anymore. In fact, I'd rather call it propaganda. They'll show you a couple of two minute "in depth stories" that go along with the other 20 minutes of commercials that make up the half hour segment. Look what the media does with the glorification of violence. You do know that violence in the news is important to us in American society. "Violence means money, money means ratings. They don't even care that they're causing crime to rise." [Capitalist Casualties]
Just look at what the media has done to the presidential elections. Aren't these a joke now? Honestly, substance is no longer the concern anymore, considering Americans are too lazy to actually read the campaign literature of the candidates. We'd much rather just go by what the outrageous television ads tell us in order to demean the other candidates. Oh but isn't it great to see such a respectable corporation as MTV so involved in registering new voters? Let MTV pat itself on the back for showing such heartfelt concern and actually acting on it. But let me ask you a question: what is your vote realistically going to do? Probably nothing. Look at your choices: a liberal, lying bastard who can't make up his mind whether he wants to look liberal or conservative until he knows which "looks better" to the constituents, or basically which will get him more votes. And is the other guy really any different? No, in fact he's really just another respectable liar which we have euphemized by giving the title "politician". But I almost forgot! You have another choice when voting. You can vote for all the independents and other idiots who have no chance in hell of getting even one electoral vote. Some good your vote does, and thanks to the media of America, thanks to the system of Ameritocracy. All are created equal except those with more money. Lord Bog spares not on production costs.
Look at your life. What do you do every day? Do you go to school? To a job? To something that society finds acceptable? Isn't this the way they have it planned out when a new consumer is born into our world of over the top capitalism? America is really a free country where from day one your life is controlled by a largely inefficient government that cannot even control itself. First you go to school so they can force feed you their mindless garbage - the glorified exploits of a country that stole the land you live on today. Oh I'm sorry, they've invented a term for that which you can now memorize - it's called "manifest destiny" but I think it's more recognizable when we just call it greed. And then after you memorize and are brainwashed by all the propaganda and stupidity, you are taught it's off to the real world of jobs. Now instead of buying into capitalism, you're a living gear in its engine. Don't mind the fact that you'll be under authoritarian rule your entire life, you'll get used to being told what to do. In fact, it's easier that way because you will have no need for critical thought. Oh, and if you get angry from being tossed around, you can always take it out on your husband/wife and 1.5 kids. Sure if you kill one of them in the process they'll stick your picture in the paper and put your story on the local evening news, but not to fret, people will forget all about it in about a week. In fact, your minute of fame may even get you your own made-for-television mini-series.
After you're too old to be productive at your job anymore, you'll be able to retire, then you die. Don't worry that your whole life was meaningless - no one cares. In fact, we've already forgotten your name. At least you voted.
(The following work is not meant to defame those mentioned herein. All those involved should be considered innocent until proven guilty [which won't take too long]. This article's sole purpose is to get a cheap laugh.)
Contents of the junk drawers of some notable cultural figures:
Smoking cigarettes is an interesting thing. People still can't see through the glorification of smoking to this day, even when they know the end result is death. I don't want to sound like some idiot getting up on his soap box to tell you how bad cigarettes are for your health - the health issue is not at all my concern - rather I want you to focus on insecurity of getting into smoking and the manipulation of the cigarette companies.
Look around in magazines and you'll be sure to see full page ads for cigarettes showing some happy folk sporting a couple of butts. (you'll probably find this ad right next to the sad article on the effects of heroin abuse if you're reading Rolling Stone.) And you buy into this usually during your high school days. You get hooked because you want to have credibility for being cool and by this point in your life, you have been brainwashed into believing in the coolness of cigarettes. They so nicely fit that void created by your insecurities. And thus you buy your own death in the long run. And the tobacco companies laugh. They think it's pretty funny and I do too. In fact, it's the most blatant scam and they have pulled it right under your nose. And I see the rebellious ones - the self-labeled "punks" or "alternatives" - sucking in the smoke of capitalism through a thin paper tube, thinking how cool they look. But dare I tell them they have been fooled? They wouldn't quite hear me through those headphones blaring Rancid or whatever pseudo-punk tunes they listen to. Maybe one day they'll realize it themselves; maybe not.
I no longer consider myself an American. I simply refuse to be affiliated with the arrogance and disregard that the title implies. Admit it. As Americans, we (including my former self) tend to put ourselves ahead of others. Capitalism's bottom line philosophy and sporting's win at all costs mindset have been drilled into our head since preschool. We rationalize immoral behavior by relating it to overall success. That, however, is not the problem. The problem is that we accept this excuse. We praise those who succeed by trampling over others. I, frankly, have had enough. America has completely forsaken morals for the dollar and shows no signs of returning to a state of dignity.
The primary victims of capitalism's invisible fist are the working class, those that are easily persuaded because of a lack of adequate public education (another topic for another time.) into believing everything they are told except for the truth. The American people are lied to on a daily basis: this beer tastes like champagne, this zit cream will get you laid in hours, a 15% tax cut with no major spending cuts. The lies are so plentiful that the ear becomes accustomed to them. When the truth is told, it sounds so utterly shocking that no one believes it. So the working class is almost forced to line the pockets of the heads of companies, often at their own expense. Once a CEO sees the money start to roll in, he cannot help himself. Expense cutbacks are made merely to increase the profit margin. Our economy is the strongest it has been since World War II, but we have the highest unemployment rate over the same period. Can you explain it?
The only exception to this scenario in recent times is the story of Malden Mills. A giant in the textile industry, Malden Mills employed nearly two-thousand workers. Tragically, the mill caught fire and was almost totally destroyed. Owner of Malden Mills, Aaron Feuerstein, had the facility massively insured and had the means to simply close the mill, take the money, and run. Instead, he chose something that no other CEO in the country would even consider: he paid all of his employees for a month's work, despite the fact that they had no place to work. In the meantime, he used his insurance money to help rebuild the factory so that the people could still have jobs. Feuerstein nearly went bankrupt in the process, but earned the respect of all American workers.
The only way to counteract the evils of capitalism is to have more people like Aaron Feuerstein running businesses. However, "win at all costs" is still the prevalent theme in today's business arena. People with morals are eaten alive by the money hungry capitalist monster that is ransacking our nation, raping and pillaging everything we hold dear for the sake of the almighty dollar.